David H. Rudd
At nearly 30-year business career has taught Dave that careful thought, planning, execution, positive thinking, and effort, help you will achieve great success. While being a “bean counter,” he is an entrepreneur at heart and in spirit. He enjoys the challenges of starting and running small businesses. In these businesses, he helps them to remain fiscally stable while discovering ways to grow, market new products, design new services/offerings, and see dreams become realities.
Dave is currently the CFO at i5 Serivces, LLC, and is the Co-Chairman of the C-Suite Network Manufacturing Council. His previous experience includes working as the President/CEO of Information Access Technology-SmartDial, where he worked his way from a Sales position to the office of the CEO.
While at SmartDial, they had a high-tech innovative emerging product featured in an article on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. He is also currently Managing Member of Expand Learning Solutions. He owned a Jamba Juice franchise; Member of Crossroads Distributing, and also President of Pristine Financial Services.
Aside from business, Dave is involved in charity and philanthropy opportunities. He currently serves as the Vice President of the Glen L. Rudd Foundation. This 501(c)(3) Foundation “empowers youth of Pacific Island heritage” by helping them pursue their education dreams. He is also a volunteer for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and enjoys helping the Make-A-Wish Foundation. He has served on the Community Council of Hillcrest High School and the Boundaries Committee of the Canyons School District.
Dave earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics with a Minor in Spanish from The The University of Utah and a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from Westminster College of Salt Lake City, Utah. He is a proud father of 3 daughters and one grandson.